Sahabat, tak ada kata rugi bagi orang yang selalu belajar dan terus belajar. Karena tetesan ilmu tak pernah akan habis meski di serap oleh jutaan kepala. Dan itulah salah satu keajaiban ilmu, yang ketika diberikan bukan menjadi habis justru akan kian terus bertambah dan terasah. Sahabat, kebersamaan sejati ini tak bisa dibangun di atas klaim hitam dan putih semata karena hidup penuh dengan warna dan tak semua kita sama. Sahabat, mari kita nikmati kebersamaan yang lebih bemakna bersama sahabat lainnya di dalam komunitas untuk saling bebagi dan mengabdi kapada negeri terutama kepada diri kita sendiri agar hidup selalu penuh warna.(YwK)
Sahabatsilat Community
| P.P. & S. PAMUR Kombinasi Tjimande Tari Kolot Kebon Djeroek Hilir Banten Indonesia | |
Pencak Silat is a self-defensive system originated from Indonesia. This section is intended to explain generally and briefly what Pencak Silat is and the meaning of the name Pencak Silat. One has to distinguish the content of these self-defence and the names Pencak en Silat. |
What is Pencak Silat? |
Pencak Silat is a compound word. It is the name of a self-defence system. Indonesia is a huge archipelago that exists of thousands of islands, thread on a string. These people of these islands were very vulnerable. To get the aggressors out, the Indonesian people have developed self-defence techniques during hundreds of years. Today you can find a large diversity of cultures in Indonesia. For instance a lot of races arrived during the big immigration movements in the era 2500 BC to 1000 BC. Every region in Indonesia has developed its own self defence art. So Pencak Silat is an art, not a sport. And because it was only used for protection, one cannot say it is a fighting art. This self-defence art called Pencak Silat, did not start in one day. It came into existence over thousands of years in various areas, since Hindu kingdoms have existed in Indonesia in the 5th century BC, followed by kingdoms of Buddhism and Islam. There was also an influence of nations outside Indonesia on the development of self-defence. In this way the techniques of e.g. Kuntao -currently know as Kung Fu- had an influence. It can even be said that Pencak Silat is almost the same as. The Indonesian people use lower positions, because Indonesia is more mountainous than China. By staying low one can hide or break a fall. The Chinese people however, being used to flat surfaces, stay higher when fighting. The self defence arts of Indonesia were developed in the capital cities, the cultural centres of the country. Then they spread through the various kingdoms. When the regions were ruled by Western colonial powers, the self defence arts were prohibited. The colonials didn’t want national Indonesian spirit to develop. However, during the Japanese occupation period, people were allowed to freely develop their culture. The intention was to get the support of the Indonesian people in the battle against Japan. Now the Indonesians got the chance to use their self-defence art against the colonials. Because during the liberation of Indonesia it played a secret yet essential role. Nowadays Indonesia has over 130 million inhabitants which can be divided in at least ten important ethnical groups. Although every group has its own religion, language and customs, almost everybody speaks the official language, the Bahasa Indonesia. Indonesia’s device, stated in 1945, is: “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”. This means, ‘Unity in diversity’. In connection with this saying, the self defence arts of Indonesia got one compound name on 18 may 1948: Pencak Silat. Within this name every art keeps its own identity. In the same year the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association IPSI (Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia) was founded.Go back |
The term Pencak Silat is a compound word. The words Pencak and Silat have the same meaning and are integral parts of the culture of Malay ethnic groups, who are the native inhabitants of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam. The self-defence system exist of hundreds of streams (aliran) and thousands of styles (bentuk or gaya). People who practise the Pencak don’t know the Silat and vice versa. The word Pencak is commonly used by the people of the Centre- and East Java, Madura and Bali. The Silat is commonly used by the people who live in other regions of Indonesia, like West Java and South Sumatra, and also in the other Malay regions. The Silat is being executed in a circular form and it applies various animal styles like the tiger, panther, snake and monkey. Animals like the tiger and the snake sneak up on their opponents from behind. They move in a circular way. Because the Chinese came in the Silat areas, the Kung Fu has influenced the Silat. Please click to read more about the three fundamental values. |